"If you must ask- yes. You are an amazing person. You mean something special to at least one person in this world and in this universe. You are not worthless. People DO care about you. Always hope for the best even when living at your worst. Hope this bit of motivation helps you in some such way."
-from my Facebook profile page
What you just read was something I typed up on Facebook as a Status Update recently. A lot of people tend to feel as if nobody cares about you. An otherwise honest-to-goodness person shouldn't have to feel like one is left alone to battle. Yeah, times are going to be tough; but you don't have to go it alone. You don't have to feel as if you are alone and powerless. Those who feel like they have no allies or support end up feeling like there's no hope in this world. If you really think and believe there is no hope for you in anything, you are just increasing your chances of failure and making your problems worse.
There are people who couldn't care less what other people think, but even if you do think this way, it is at least nice to know there are at least some people who actually do care about you. You don't have to shut yourself out and away from other people. Let people come into your life to express and show their love and respect for you. Be accepting and respectful of others. Put yourself around the right group of people, and you will be thanked in return with kindness and respect. So are you ready to give yourself some confidence or not?
AUG 13 2012 - edited quote sourceI realize I probably don't post too many inspirational pieces as I should. Just know that if you're reading this blog and this blog post, you're awesome. Thank you. The Internet can use some positive reinforcement. People don't just use the Internet to seek funny things. Every now and then, you want to have something useful. If not many others are providing this sort of positive energy, then let it be me to provide some sort of spark in peoples' lives. One way I try to deal with tough times I'm having is to offer motivation to others to help motivate myself. I always feel like being able to help others will help yourself feel better. Just know that you ARE somebody special. You're certainly special for reading this post, so thanks for reading!
Most of my time blogging right now will mostly be spent on providing posts for this blog as well as my others, including my new "StyleSpace" blog devoted to fashion. I must also inform you that certain old posts on "John's Blog Space" will be removed, especially certain obsolete Gran Turismo and fashion posts that have poor view counts. If you love my fashion discussions on JBS, many of them will not be removed on JBS. The new "StyleSpace" blog will be the blog I hope to use for more spirited fashion discussions. I still will post some fashion-related material on "John's Blog Space." Only thing is that I would recommend my more fashion-friendly audience will visit and interact with my "StyleSpace" blog. Various subtle changes to come for John's Blog Space as far as the availability of certain posts are concerned.
Once again- thanks for reading! Get social with me if you love my work!