Monday, February 17, 2014

Family Get-Togethers

John B. Marine | 2/17/2014 04:40:00 PM | | | | |
Yesterday, my family had a dinner at my grandmother's house a day before her birthday. What was to be just a little get-together ended up becoming a family reunion and lots of memories for me and my family. It makes me fortunate having a loving family and that we all came together for a day of fun- outside of filling our bellies with good food, of course. :) So this blog post is about reminiscing about the past with families and some other different issues.

--- Family Get-Togethers ---

You already got an idea of what I was discussing just by reading the introduction. But really, this get-together my family recently had meant much more to me than just some get-together.

My family usually gets together for certain lunch occasions and for things like Thanksgiving and such. What made this most recent get-together special was that there was really a sense of generational leaps as well as some reunions. People in families do move on with their lives and go elsewhere; but regardless, you still have family and loving family members. Friends come and go; family is forever.

Perhaps the best aspect of family get-togethers is in seeing generations come along. Some people you grew up with in your family moved on with their lives and had children. You then have your younger generation extending the family and family name. This is a fabulous time to see the past, present, and future of a family.

Fortunate Families.

I really think about certain families and why we should be fortunate. Think about families and family members who have a tough time bonding together and spend more time fighting each other (verbal and even physical) than coming together in a joyous setting. I watch a lot of daytime talk shows and see episodes where families are in crisis. Some families have issues of sex, drug abuse, neglect, financial issues, and things like that.

Besides having families, there are those who simply don't have a family- or at least don't have a loving and trusting family. A lack of trust and/or love is just as rough as not having a family at all. It means there is some sort of unrequited love among family members. It means some family members are unable to try to get along at all. When you feel your best friends are your family, and if you feel your family doesn't necessarily love you, you feel worthless. It therefore gets to be tough trying to bond with family members you don't feel connected to.

Bringing Families and Family Members Together.

It can be tough for families to come together when there is so much hate or no common bond that brings everyone together. The common bond for my family yesterday was in celebrating my grandmother's birthday the day before her actual birthday. Some families may or may not have something to bring everyone together safely and flawlessly. Some family members maybe just aren't around to come together for a certain occasion. It just isn't as easy for some families to come together for an occasion. Some families may even come together, but something may happen to where an argument or some sort of scuffle ensues.

Where is the love? Some families have love; some others don't. It all depends on the family members and how everyone gets along- IF they get along. Dysfunctional families will have a tough time to try to get together. Regardless, nothing is more special than families coming together, especially for something like a dinner or some other kind of positive get-together.


Being at my grandmother's house and having this get-together, it really filled a personal void that brought me down in recent years. I missed those days when me and my family would all be at my grandmother's house for certain get-togethers and Thanksgiving and such. I would be playing video games against my family members. I would probably go watch a sports game on TV or something. I just mostly missed certain good times with my family. Also, since most of my youth was spent living with and being around my grandmother, I guess I also miss most of my youthful days. I was even chatting with some family looking back at the past. One thing discussed was how much times have changed- especially where children don't want to get out of the house and play anymore. We've come to the futuristic times where more fun is had at home with devices and TV rather than getting out in the driveway and doing things like running around on the driveway and on the front lawn. I even thought of TV shows I watched in my youth.

Another striking aspect of this get-together was simply about remembering what has changed between now and then. I remember just how much different my grandmother's house looked compared to now as well as what the neighborhood looked like back then compared to now. I even think about what certain parts of the neighborhood were like then compared to now. For example- there were parts of the neighborhood I recall for things like where my mother would park at to catch the school bus. I do still remember where the house my biological father was working on. I even still recall the path I took to walk from my Middle School to my grandmother's house one time. I mean, you feel reminiscent when you've spent a great deal of your life in one place and have so many memories to share.

I think this, more than anything, was what I enjoyed most about this specific family get-together as opposed to any other get-together previously. It was the combination of memories and getting together with others that made this outing special for me.

When doing family get-togethers, the most important thing is family. It is always great to go to places where you've spent a good majority of your childhood and for family to come together happily. Share the memories and perhaps be reminiscent. But always remember- family is forever. I hope all of you have great family get-togethers and that all goes well with your family get-togethers.

Want to discuss? Here's my question:

What do you admire or respect most about family get-togethers?

Feel free to comment. And once again, thank you for reading!

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