JohnMarineDesigns (or JMDesigns) is the creative hub for all of my creative works. You can call it JMDesigns or JMD for short. I needed a proper site to showcase my creative works. After some research, I decided to join Weebly. This blog post is part of my "John's Corner" series, and this post is all about the creation of this new site and what I hope to accomplish with it.
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JOHN'S CORNER! Click on the link above to see the latest posts in my "John's Corner" series.
OCT 20 2015 - updated information regarding JMDesigns to reflect on my history with JMDesigns
Re-Introducing "JohnMarineDesigns"
On an experimental basis, I am considering a new format to showcase headers for major sections. So I am using this new sort of format using a header and some line breaks. That's not the important bit here. I just wanted to make that point concerning my blogging.
Anyhow, I want to introduce you to JohnMarineDesigns. Read on, enthused ones...
Thoughts on "JohnMarineDesigns."
While I recently unveiled JMDesigns on October 15, 2015; it is not entirely new. In fact, I joined Cafepress officially as "JohnMarineDesigns" on June 2, 2012. JMDesigns is just re-imagined. It used to be the handle I used on Cafepress in hopes of making merchandise to coincide with my YouTube channel. Nothing truly unique was made, and I don't think I earned anything from the merchandise I attempted to create. So I decided to [eventually] retire my Cafepress store and make JohnMarineDesigns my creative works studio.While the name JohnMarineDesigns has "Designs" in its name, and though Designs suggests art, JMDesigns is not exclusively about art. It is my umbrella studio for non-art features, such as music, literature, mobile and computer apps, games, and anything else I may create and offer. I will be looking to further expand upon the appeal of my work to include a variety of different items. As much as I am proud of the support my blogging work receives, I also want to extend my craft into this new site.
The JohnMarineDesigns site is simply a proper showcase of some of my creative works. When I begin to make more material, I will hope to showcase that material in my new Weebly site. I will showcase only so much of my material just to showcase my finer works. I will still use my various blogs to feature all sorts of other material. The only difference is that my new site on Weebly will more elegantly and properly showcase my work. In other words, this is more a portfolio and a demonstration piece to showcase my various works.
The development of my new site is going very well, but I fear I may have to do something else in terms of offering work for sale. There is a "JMDesigns Store" on my Weebly site, but I will use that to simply link to my blogging content and some other material that may be featured elsewhere online. I can't afford the plans to sell digital goods on Weebly, so material I may sell will be in my blog(s).
There was one other problem I faced in making my new site- I misspelled it! I didn't notice this until I looked at the URL name. I had two M's in its URL. The URL came out to "johnmmarinedesigns" when it should be "johnmarinedesigns." I have since made those changes, and the proper spelling is there.
(ADDED: October 20, 2015)
After long keeping up my Cafepress store up, I finally retired my store on Cafepress on October 20, 2015. I also retired from Cafepress. So JohnMarineDesigns now only exists as my creative works hub and no longer as a store on Cafepress.
Want to Visit JohnMarineDesigns?
If you would like to visit my Weebly site, consider this your invitation. Click on the following link to visit my Weebly site: JohnMarineDesigns ( that my Weebly site will be under development. I am still getting accustomed to everything and have yet to really settle in. I haven't even set up the logo for JMDesigns yet either as of the date of this initial blog post. Things will surely change over time, I can assure you.
Once again, my new site featuring my creative works called JohnMarineDesigns can be found at:
I will be sure to promote this new site as much as I can. I am considering also to make a Facebook fan page for JMDesigns, or I may just use JMDesigns material in my already existing Fan Page. I hope you enjoyed your time here. Subscribe and Follow this blog (and my others) for more content when it comes available. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.