Friday, December 25, 2015


John B. Marine | 12/25/2015 01:48:00 AM | | |
The ICON A5 is a fascinating plane. How so? Imagine a recreational light plane that you can fly in the air or even on water. Those who played Microsoft Flight Simulator X may have heard of it (and flown it). Some people even have called the ICON A5 as the "Tesla of planes." Because I was so fascinated about this aircraft, I decided to do a blog post on it. I'll introduce this light plane to you fine folks who read my blog.

I have done a handful of blog posts on cars and motorcycles, but never really any on planes. So you're going to experience another wrinkle in my "anything and everything" collection of topics. Welcome to another "John's Blog Space" post!


Here is a look at the ICON A5:

^ from: - The ICON A5 may be your dream light plane if you want to enjoy flight in the air... and even on water.

(NOTE: Most specifications on this plane were taken from ICON Aircraft's website)

The A5 is a light plane from California's ICON Aircraft. ICON Aircraft was founded in 2005 and is based in Vacaville, California, USA- northeast of San Francisco and west-southwest of Sacramento. The ICON A5 was in development for a number of years. A prototype of the A5 was created in 2008, and its production version was officially unveiled in 2014. People who are familiar with Microsoft Flight Simulator X may have heard of the ICON A5, and perhaps even flown it in the game. The ICON A5 was designed to take advantage of certain changes to FAA regulations allowing for recreational/sport flying. Here in the United States, you can earn a sport license for completing 20 hours of aviation training. If you want to enjoy recreational flight, ICON may have you covered. ICON Aircraft also has its own page regarding sport flying and how to earn a sport pilot license (SPL) here: Sport Flying - ICON Aircraft.

The ICON A5 has somewhat of a car-like appearance to it. Its interior is especially car-like. The interior is actually somewhat a cross between a car-like cockpit and a bit also like a luxury motorcycle interior. The front half of this machine is very futuristic in design. The back half is a bit funky in design, almost like it was sort of tacked onto the back of the plane. Yet still, it is beautifully aerodynamic. It is powered by a ROTAX 912 engine that produces 100 horsepower. It has a top speed of 95 KCAS (knots calibrated airspeed), or about 109 mph (176 kph). It has a flight range of about 427nm and a 45 minute reserve. It can run on 91 Octane Auto or 100LL Aviation gas. In case a flight all goes wrong, the A5 even has a parachute to it.

Among the many features is its ability to be a great plane to fly in the air and even on water. You can actually fold the wings of the plane and put it on a trailer, so you will able to take this plane almost anywhere you want. You'd better have something big enough to house it, though. You would probably need a barn, an appropriate steel building, or a proper hangar to house it. Also consider its dimensions- it is some 8.1 ft. (or 2.47m) tall and 23 ft. (or 7.01m) long.

Do you want your own ICON A5? The estimated base price of the ICON A5 is about $189K US Dollars and may climb up to almost $250K US Dollars. As of the date of this original blog post (December 25, 2015), delivery of any ordered A5 models will begin in the third quarter of 2019. To me, I find this plane to be immensely fascinating. I was drawn to this plane because of its wonderful design. The fact this plane costs about as much as a fairly decent supercar is pretty good for someone who enjoys cars as well as flight. I have personally never been on a plane or flown a plane. If it were possible, it would be cool to sit in this plane and see what it is like to be in it in flight. I would not think of this plane as any kind of status symbol thing, even though it would be pretty cool to own and use one of these. It wouldn't surprise me if other creators of light planes come up with their own light plane and sport planes offering to challenge the ICON A5 and even allow more people to enjoy flying.

Video Preview.

I found this video for your enjoyment. How cool would it be to fly the ICON A5? Check out this video as the ICON A5 takes flight in New York City:

^ "Flying the ICON A5 in New York City"

Looks like fun, huh? Who wouldn't want to enjoy doing something like this in a place like New York City?

For More Information...

You can learn more about the ICON A5 and ICON Aircraft by going to

Thank all of you for reading my blog post! Feel free to comment if you wish. Could this possibly fulfill a dream of yours to fly a plane? Anyhow, that's all for this post. Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.

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