My Thoughts on Gender Reveal Parties

^ from: (Amazon) - What do you think about gender reveal parties? Does it matter the gender of unborn children?
Celebrating the gender of an unborn child is a thing. There are two dynamics to most gender reveal parties- (1) simply learning the gender of unborn children, and (2) making a gender reveal a guessing game. There are people whom even offered ideas for gender reveal parties. I will discuss gender reveal parties in two distinct talking points. So please consider the following...
Gender Reveal Parties: General Thoughts.
One of the biggest fallacies of gender reveal parties is simply the fact of simply having them. What is worth celebrating in regards to the gender of a child or children? I apologize for being old-fashioned and boring, but I don't get the point of having a party to reveal an unborn child/-ren's gender. These kinds of acts are somewhat counteractive in today's culture being more accepting of LGBT types can in past times. We live in a culture where we are either more mindful of gender or we better embrace gender neutrality. Having gender reveal parties work against today's modern thoughts and times.People do try to make things less boring in determining the gender of an unborn child. For most people, simply having children is enough to feel happy about in becoming parents. However, you have people who want to make things more interesting by doing all kinds of stunts and making a not really big deal a big deal regardless. Parties are about celebrations of things. What message do you think you are sending by having some party just to celebrate the gender of unborn children? If you want to celebrate something while pregnant, reserve parties for baby showers or maybe if you have a birthday or an anniversary while pregnant.
Another fallacy is that perhaps later on in life, a child may experience feelings of gender dysphoria, maybe want to be transgender, or maybe consider himself gender neutral. So a child born as a boy may see pictures of his parents having some cute celebration to reveal the parents had a boy. This could possibly make the boy feel unhappy about himself and decide to want to be more feminine or even consider himself gender neutral. The boy may want to start wearing girly clothes, start wearing some makeup, all to feel a lot more different even born as a male. One very rare possibility of gender reveals is that a child may be born intersex or perhaps have a few chromosomes which puts the child in-between male and female.
One other possible negative to gender reveal parties is the fact that you are celebrating having a certain child/-ren of a certain gender. It somehow isn't enough for most people to simply be proud of being parents- they have to stretch things out to the point of having a party to reveal the gender of a child or children. Forget being proud to give birth; some people feel they have to do all these stunts and play these guessing games about the gender of unborn children. Speaking of guessing games...
Gender Reveal Parties: The "Guessing Game" Aspect."
Now on to the other aspect of gender reveal parties- having guests play a game of determining what gender one's unborn child/-ren will be. It is a nice way to get people in kind of a playful and fun mood; however, it can also be pretty stupid. It's like when I am on social media and people ask questions like, "when are you going to get married?" Either that or, "when are you going to have children?" What business do you have in wondering what gender a child will be? For example, is it important that a pregnant woman who gave birth to a baby boy has a girl instead of another boy? Is it also sad if that pregnant woman is unable to make a girl or another boy? If you're going to have something like this for gender reveals, it is pretty dumb to play a guessing game for what the child's gender will be.I say simply enjoy becoming a parent in the first place instead of trying to make things fun by guessing what gender a child will be. If I was a pregnant woman, I'd be proud simply to be able to give birth to children instead of celebrating the gender of unborn children. I at least would want to know the gender of my unborn child/-ren rather than have a party focused on a gender reveal.
Now that you have read my thoughts on gender reveal parties, it is time to close this post with a complete summary of my thoughts on gender reveal parties.
Gender Reveal Parties: Final Thoughts
Celebrate that you are becoming a parent (or at least an uncle/aunt). Celebrate bringing a child into the world. However, having a celebration for identifying the gender of unborn children just sounds stupid and attention-grabbing to me. You are not a celebrity. It isn't like TMZ or somebody are following you around wondering what gender your unborn child/-ren will be. There is no need to stretch out a pregnancy like this. It is even sad there are party planners even offering gender reveal party items to this. I guess if it means making money, then anything will be tried.
If you are going to have children, it is enough to simply learn of the gender of a child or children. You don't need to have a celebration for whatever gender your children will be. It is not required for you to host a party simply on the merits of learning the gender of unborn children. I am not saying that you should not be proud of knowing if you have a boy or a girl or not- I am just suggesting you don't need to have any kind of cute/fancy party to honor the gender of unborn children.
At least to me, gender reveal parties are rather unnecessary and most importantly... not worth any kind of celebration. A gender reveal party is not a party worth celebrating. Save parties for things like birthdays, graduation, weddings, anniversaries, family reunions, and things of that nature. If you disagree with me and my thoughts in regards to gender reveal parties, and maybe you had some little party to celebrate the gender of an unborn child, that's perfectly fine. I am not here to tell people how to live their lives or make certain decisions. All I am saying is that gender reveal parties are silly and unnecessary.
Extra Perspectives.
I offered my thoughts, but what do others think? Here are more perspectives:• "'Gender Reveal' parties are real, and they sound awful (LGBTQ Nation)
• Opinion | Why Are Gender Reveal Parties a Thing? (The New York Times)
• Here's Why Gender-Reveal Parties Are the Worst (Phoenix New Times)
• Gender reveal parties are getting way over the top (CNN)
• in defense of gender-reveal parties (CafeMom)
One Omission to Make...
In researching this topic, I learned of one gender reveal party that got violent. There was one gender reveal party I learned of in which someone was shot and killed, and there were eight others injured. So there is another bit to add in regards to gender reveal parties.That's the end of this post. Let's discuss!
What do you think about gender reveal parties? Have you been to or hosted a gender reveal party? What would you suggest to any future gender reveal parties?
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