Texas: South or Southwest?
Let's talk about my wonderful home/native state! :) Just wanted to find some semi-random picture of my home state:

^ from: www.txrestaurant.org - Texas. The Lone Star State. The 28th State added to the Union. Used to be its own country once. Not to mention... my home/native state.
Allow me to share some thoughts on this topic.
South and Southwest Defined.
Any long-time visitor of my blog may remember I did a blog post about beauties from different regions of the United States. One of those regions involved the South and Southeast. South and Southeast related to the likes of Texas and Oklahoma along with the general southeastern United States. When most people think of the South, it's usually Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, the Carolinas, Tennessee, and places like that.Usually, the Southwestern United States are Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Arizona. The only link I could see Texas with the other "Southwestern" states would probably be the dusty and arid landscapes, especially in western portions of Texas. These would be places like Midland or El Paso.
My Thoughts on Texas Being South or Southwest.
As a native of Houston, Texas; I tend to identify myself as a Southerner. I also tend to consider Texas a Southern state. In fact, for my region of Texas, I tend to think of the Mid-South as Texas and Oklahoma. I see my part of Texas to be more along the lines of the American South or Southeast more than I do as a Southwestern part of the United States.So to say Texas is more Southwestern than South is to say we have the same sort of arid landscape as the other Southwestern states. To say Texas is more South than southwest is to suggest Texas is more along the lines of the American Southeast.
So I want to ask you all... do you think Texas is a Southern state, a Southwestern state, or maybe both at the same time?
Since I am from Houston, which is Southeastern Texas, I tend to think of myself as a Southerner. Because Texas is dead center South along with Oklahoma, I usually see Texas and Oklahoma as the Mid-South.
So is Texas South or Southwest?
I think Texas is a Southern state or a Southwestern state depending on what part of Texas you are from. Different parts of Texas are suggestive of different characteristics of some of the different states surrounding Texas. I think of Texas geographically as a Southern state, since it is in the dead south of the United States.Then again... maybe Texas is unique in that it really is BOTH a Southern state AND a Southwestern state. So it's more a "best of both worlds" and why this is such a fine state Texas is. No matter what you think about the state of Texas, people worldwide call this state home of many different ethnicities and nationalities. Surely Houston is a diverse city with all sorts of cultures. I honestly have NEVER been to Austin, but I could say Austin personifies both Texas as a South and Southwestern state. After all, the SXSW (South by Southwest) show takes place in Austin. Maybe Texas is a Southern state. Maybe Texas is a Southwestern state. Or maybe... Texas is BOTH South and Southwestern. Regardless, and maybe I'm biased... but this is one of many reasons why the state of Texas is awesome! :)
In Case You're Interested...
Earlier, I mentioned a past blog post about American beauties in the South and Southeast. Take a look at my past post if you are interested:"American Beauties: South and Southeast" (John's Blog Space)
And if you want to know more about the SXSW (South by Southwest) show, visit: www.sxsw.com/.
That's all for this post.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post! What do you think?
Do you consider Texas a Southern state, a Southwestern state, or perhaps both?
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