NOTE: This blog entry is in the process of being edited. Enjoy what you read now, because it may all look different in the future.
It was a look I detested when I first saw this surface (or resurface?) in 2005. In yet another attempt to remind us how terrible '80s fashion is, one such trend was to wear a mini skirt with leggings. So in light of this look, you would see your average denim mini skirt paired with leggings (opaque black leggings are most common) that extend somewhere between below the knees and above the ankles. Footwear has ranged from flip-flop/thong sandals to your average pair of Chuck Taylor sneakers in a garden variety of colors, patterns, and shoe laces. I've hated this look until I've somehow grown to like it. I wouldn't recommend mini skirt + leggings, but I can understand this look.
THAT LOOK is defined below:

^ from: -
Opaque leggings worn under denim mini skirts. This, all in another pointless re-revival of the '80s. The '80s are freaking DEAD! Get a God-forsaken life!
--- Understanding the Look ---
Many have had problems with wearing leggings as pants. There's a functional reason for sporting a short skirt with leggings- comfort. Some femmes aren't too comfortable rocking a mini skirt or a short skirt. So to add some extra appeal, a mini skirt (preferably denim) is paired with a pair of leggings or footless tights. The most common look I see is medium to light wash denim mini skirts, black or brown leggings that extend to mid-calf, and any color Chuck Taylor-style sneakers.
--- Why I Hated the Look ---
I always felt that if you didn't have the confidence to wear a mini skirt or a short skirt, then it's simple- DON'T WEAR IT!!! Don't tailor a look around a mini skirt and leggings. I always thought wearing leggings were reserved to a tunic + leggings, which is perfectly fine. I hope I don't get any negative reaction from my female readers, but the mini skirt is a garment meant to unleash the beautiful legs of its wearer. Mini skirts are very daring garments for those with lovely legs and those not afraid to show off her legs. Why ruin the beauty of a mini skirt by pairing it with leggings? I know I've defended faux skirts like
skorts and scooter skirts and
gaucho pants/culottes, but these are skirts that can be worn confidently without the need of leggings. Or put it this way. It's like saying you'll only drive a pure sports car... as long as it has an automatic transmission. Many have defended the look, while I've only vented my dislike of this look. Until...
--- Why I've Eventually Liked the Look Now ---
It takes a man to dislike something. It takes a bigger man to admit dislike and show a different side. The right pair of leggings and a good pair of shoes can make for a cute look. I still think no one should wear mini skirts when it's cold. That's even if you're wearing leggings or longjohns underneath to keep your legs warm. Mini skirts are for warm weather and relatively cool weather ONLY. I have seen where leggings + skirts are actually cute. And I'm not talking about just for little girls.
So if you like leggings + skirts, I'm not hating now. I've eased up on them. I made a blog entry about leggings and tights. Visit either of these two links:
my blog entry on leggings and tights
shop for leggings and tights I've found online