Tuesday, January 5, 2010

High-Waisted Bottoms

John B. Marine | 1/05/2010 06:04:00 PM |
(UPDATED: December 3, 2012)

For those who frowned on the low-rise, sexy styles of the '90s and early 2000s, something like the high-waist look comes along. Many love these for their slimming qualities. Many more despise these simply because... well, they're too high up and lack style. Though some of the belly-baring styles of the '90s have come and gone, wearing high-waist bottoms gives some femmes new found confidence in baring midriff. There are those who feel the navel/belly button should NEVER be shown. If you want an example of high-waist bottoms + bare midriff, check this out and you be the judge:

high waist midriff
^ from: www.denimology.com - Amber Rose high-waist jeans worn by a woman baring her midriff with a cropped top. For those who dislike showing off the belly or navel, this is a great alternative for most females.

Well? Good look or not?

NOTE: This post is now outdated. I have created a post in my fashion blog, "StyleSpace, by John B. Marine." I would like to invite all fashion lovers to visit my fashion-specific blog for more commentary on this topic. You may read this post here on "John's Blog Space," or you may visit my post on SS: "High-Waist Bottoms" (StyleSpace, by JBM). You may otherwise enjoy this post here on JBS.

NOTE: Amazon items moved entirely to John's Shop Space. However, you may use the included widgets to shop for high-waist bottoms if you are looking for high-waist bottoms online.

This blog entry contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item or even purchase these items if you so choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" to see more information on any Amazon items shown.

--- High-Waist in General ---

The only celebrity I know that has lovingly embraced the high-waist is Katy Perry. Even Katy Perry's album cover, "One of the Boys" shows her sporting a cropped top with some really high-waist shorts. Then too, Katy Perry is very much a modern '60s pin-up girl. Other celebrities have tried high-waist bottoms such as Katie Holmes, Alicia Keys, and the infamous high-waist jeans Jessica Simpson wore. The thing I fear is that high-waist bottoms are not for petite figures. So I'm sure shorter types will get to enjoy the beauty high-waist pants can provide. I'll discuss every possible element of high-waist style in this blog entry.

(Added 3/20/2010) If you want to do the high-waist look, I can show you some items on Amazon. You are encouraged to click on any item you think interests you. I want you to not only enjoy your reading of this blog entry, but also help me to know that my material means something to you. So please be sure to click on and order any item that interests you in each section. If you can't find something from my suggestions, there is a widget towards the end of this blog entry where you can find many more items to choose from. Happy reading and happy shopping!

(ADDED: 4/20/2010) A look I'm starting to like is a plaid shirt paired with high-waist jeans. The inspiration was from the 4/19/2010 edition of Monday Night RAW, when the cast of "MacGruber" were the co-hosts. Most notably, Vicki St. Elmo. She wore this plaid button-down shirt, some light blue high-waist jeans, and some rugged sneakers. She was a cutie!

Unfortunately, there isn't a good enough picture I can use online to show you an example of wearing high-waist jeans with a plaid shirt. Maybe I'll update this space when I find a good picture I can actually use.

--- High-Waisted Bottoms in Pictures ---

This section was added on: May 26, 2010.

Let's take a look at some high-waist bottoms in pictures. This will give you some perspective on high-waist bottoms.

High-Waist Jeans.

high waist jeans with blouse
^ from: youlookfab.com - a sleeveless blouse tucked into very high-waisted jeans. Note how slimming the woman's figure is with the blouse and these high-waist jeans.

High-Waist Pants.
high waist pants
^ from: thisnext.com - Rachel Pally Sailor Pants. These beautiful high-waisted palazzo pants even ended up being one of Oprah's "Favorite Things." They were also seen as stylish alternatives to sweatpants.

High-Waist Capri/Flood/Highwater/Cropped Pants.

high waist capris
^ from: www.kaboodle.com - high-waist cropped jeans with suspenders.

High-Waist Skirts.

high waist skirt
^ from: zimbio.com - Katy Perry wearing a cropped top with a knee-length high-waist skirt (picture replaced on 4/5/2010)

High-Waist Shorts.

high waist shorts
^ from: www.kaboodle.com - high-waist shorts with sailor buttons at the front.

There's your look at high-waisted bottoms. Read on after the Page Break to shop for some high-waist bottoms!

--- High-Waist Bottoms Online ---

(SECTION UPDATED: December 3, 2012)

It's okay not to like high-waist pants. But I'm pretty sure many femmes will tell you that at least wearing high-waist bottoms help to avoid showing off the belly or giving discomforting peeks of one's backside or panties when bending over. This is another one of the comfort fashion styles. An important element of fashion is comfort. If you're not comfortable in what you wear, you don't feel confident. And if you don't feel confident, then you're not looking and feeling your best. You can search any search engine or any fashion website for high-waist bottoms to suit your needs and your style. Are you seeking a pair of high-waist jeans? How about a good pair of high-waist dress pants? Maybe you want to wear some high-waist shorts or capris? Or maybe you want to go with some high-waist skirts? Your options are endless. These high-waist bottoms provide lots of slimming style of them. Some simply wear these to maintain a lovely silhouette. Whatever your reasons for loving or hating these, the high-waist will serve you well as long as you know how to wear these and show some serious style.

How do you like your high waist looks? Here are some high-waist items for you:


Here are many varieties of high-waist bottoms. What are you looking for?

Other Sources...

Other places to get your high-waist loving are below. I couldn't find too many quality pieces to showcase here, so the Other Sources is very limited. My apologies. Visit each link to find various high-waist bottoms for whatever kind of high-waist bottoms interest you.

• high-waist jeans
Amazon HW jeans|eBay HW jeans

• high-waist pants
Amazon HW pants|eBay HW pants

• high-waist shorts
Amazon HW shorts|eBay HW shorts

• high-waist skirts
Amazon HW skirts|eBay HW skirts

I would appreciate your support if you buy something from the widgets and other material I've provided. The end result (and what matters most to me) is you enjoying my blog post and then finding something you enjoy based on your reading. You don't have to buy anything, but I would appreciate it if you buy anything on Amazon in case you're interested.

Otherwise, thank you for reading!

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