^ from: costumzee.com - a pin-up girl on a poster or a flyer.
While I fancy the '70s, there's another kind of modern vintage that's become trendy of late. If you're familiar with images anywhere between the 1930s and 1960s featuring pictures of sexy and attractive women usually seen in advertisements, then you can imagine the beauty of these lovely ladies. There's been a recent resurfacing of pin-up girl images. Even more so is stylizing women of today's ilk to resemble vintage pin-up girls. This blog post is all about pin-up beauty.
If You are a Pin-Up Girl Yourself...
Hi! :) Hope you enjoyed my blog post on pin-up girls and pin-up girl style!LATEST UPDATE(S)/REVISION(S):
JUL 27 2015 - several edits--- Pin-Up Girls at a Glance ---
If one recent celebrity has made pin-up cool, it's no one other than Katy Perry:^ from: starpulse.com - Katy Perry can be thought of as a modern pin-up girl with her 1960s-type fashion influences. Here, she wears very high-waist shorts and a cropped top.
Katy Perry represents all that makes the vintage pin-up girl sexy and attractive with luscious legs, her high-waist style, and that vintage pin-up girl charm. Those who overly complain of too many young starlets who show off their navel and breasts, her style is different (and it's not to say that I have no problem with any midriff-baring or scantily clad femmes). Relevant to this topic, her style is purely vintage pin-up girl as she works it very well. From the above picture, she shows midriff, but in a vintage way with high-waist pants. I did my own blog entry on the high-waist. Please visit my Fashion and Style posts to find it.
IN CASE YOU'RE INTERESTED: I blogged about Katy Perry here on John's Blog Space. Please take a look at "Katy Perry" on John's Blog Space to read my post on Katy Perry.
--- How to Get Started With Pin-Up Girl Style ---
Forget the latest styling trends. If you can work some vintage style from fashion to posing as a vintage pin-up girl, then you can let your vintage beauty shine. A web site I recommend you visiting to unleash your pin-up babe is pinupgirlclothing.com. Learn to draw some inspiration from the model pictures. I'm also thinking that having a lovely enough silhouette to properly rock pin-up chic makes the pin-up look come alive even more.I mentioned Heidi Van Horne earlier. Here's a quick picture of her:

^ from: javasbachelorpad.com - modern pin-up girl, Heidi Van Horne.
She's the first pin-up girl I've ever met. This video below (read the disclaimer to this video first) is a video example of a pin-up girl. But not just any pin-up girl... it's Heidi Van Horne! :)
^ "Heidi Van Horne Meets the Atomic Punk" - a video featuring Heidi Van Horne. (WARNING: Not Safe for Work!)
Here is a picture of myself with Heidi Van Horne (all credit goes to the Houston Chronicle):

^ from: my Facebook page, with full credit to the Houston Chronicle - a picture taken with me and Heidi Van Horne at the 2010 Houston Auto Show. She is a huge fan of classic cars and is a columnist for the Houston Chronicle on classic cars.
For more information on Heidi Van Horne, visit Heidi's official website. Or, you may read my blog post about her by reading my blog post on Heidi Van Horne.
I'm not crazy about pin-up girl chic, but it's very cool to check out if you're looking to go vintage.
Love you some pin-up girls? Here's some stuff I found on Amazon. Visit the links and go get some pin-up girl goodness!
--- Pin-Up Girl Stuff on Amazon ---
NOTE: This section contains links to Amazon products. You are welcome to click on images and links to learn more about each item. You are free to order any items featured in this section or in any widget if you choose. Please see "An Important Amazon Note" in my blog's sidebar to see more information on any Amazon items shown.I thank everyone for visiting and reading my blog entry on pin-up girls! My way of thanking you back is to check out these items. Please use these widgets below to shop for pin-up girl items on Amazon. I'd gladly appreciate your business because I'm doing this for YOU in thanks for reading my material:
For Pin-Up Girl Items for Your Home...
For Pin-Up Girl Books...
And... some more pin-up stuff:
^ If you want to become a pin-up girl, this DVD may help you get started. Bettina May and Go-Go Amy show you what it takes to be your own pin-up babe in this DVD.
^ This is a poster of a pin-up girl on a Vespa scooter. Add this poster to your room or favorite room.
^ Here is a sexy pin-up girl for this poster. The girl is in a bra, a skirt, and wearing some hot pumps. Sizes are available in 20 x 30, 18 x 24, and 24 x 36.
^ This paperback book includes all sorts of paper dolls used during World War II.
^ Wearing a white rompers/playsuit dress, this is a vintage Coca-Cola poster featuring a pin-up girl. Enjoy Coca-Cola and enjoy this lovely poster if you fancy pin-up girls.
I may add more items in the future to keep you interested. For now, though, here are a few pin-up girl beauty resources online:
• Beauty Tips from Pin-Up Girls, with Bernie Dexter
• Totalbeauty.com's Pin-Up Girl How-To
If you're in the Houston area, here are two pin-up resources I've found for you:
• Houston Pinup Photography
• Living the Life of a Modern Pinup Girl
(updated: 2/2/2010 with widgets; please read "An Important Amazon Note" for notes on these widgets. You can click on items to learn more about each item and even purchase anything you're interested in.)
Thank you for reading! Take care and be well.