This blog entry used to be a Blogspot page. Now, it's its own blog post. This page features links to artists and groups that I like and that you can check out. Be sure to have a look at all of these artists and groups that I've featured. More will be added in further installments.
PLEASE NOTE: This blog entry will be updated from time to time with new links and new material. So visit this page often to check out what musical talents I have to showcase for you.
MAR 28 2012 - updated look of post--- Amy Barbera ---
My blog entry on her: Amy Barbera: A Singing Goddess
^ from: - the beautiful and inspirational Amy Barbera. This is the cover to her "Beautiful Flower of Life" CD.
Amy Barbera was an artist I've come across on Myspace when I got a Friend Request from her. Her music is inspirational as her positive heart pours openly to give hope to those who most need it. Her voice is beautiful while her music is even more beautiful. It's probably fitting she's from Florida because she brings sunshine (since Florida is nicknamed "The Sunshine State") to people with cloudy days in their lives. Listen to her music, but also listen to some of the lyrics. I don't notice lyrics very often, but she does have some powerful messages sung along with her sweet voice.
Amy Barbera will blow you away. She is a beautiful goddess with an angelic heart and singing divine music for you. If that's not enough reason for you to want to listen to her music, I don't know what is. All I know is you can hear... I mean, experience Amy Barbera for yourself here: Amy Barbera on Myspace.
(As of Sep. 21, 2010) Amy Barbera did not win the Susan Boyle singing competition, whereas contestants must sing "Silent Night." That's okay. She's still a champion to all who love and adore her music (like I do).
--- Anieszka ---

My Blog entry on her: Anieszka
Anieszka was a young lady I came across first on Myspace. She sings R&B and pop-style music. She aspires to become a world-renowned music star. She is very beautiful, but not just in looks. Her voice is angelic. There is very little doubt that she'll become a future star. In fact, I'm willing to say right now that she's one of the best singers and/or performers anywhere in the world under 21. Puts her in a class with other great under-21 (at least as of 8/8/2010) musicians like Selena Gomez, Demi Lovato, Taylor Swift, and others.
I'm an Anieszka fan. I hope you'll be a fan too once you hear this beautiful young lady sing.
And Justin Beiber, if you're a John's Blog Space fan (likely has no idea who I am), check out Anieszka's cover of Baby:
--- Taylor Swift ---
My Blog entry on her:Taylor Swift
^ from: - Taylor Swift and her gloriously beautiful curly hair.
If you've never heard of Taylor Swift, you obviously need to catch up with current times. Taylor Swift is a beautiful curly-haired country-pop superstar. She has a loving passion of playing music and creating all kinds of amazing music. Born in Wyomissing, Pennsylvania and growing up on a Christmas tree farm, Taylor Swift has an unrivaled passion for making music. Her stardom has won her award after award, and she's even been in various television and movie roles, even including hosting Saturday Night Live. Perhaps the most special thing about her is that while she's amazingly popular, she is no diva or all-about-me girl.
Taylor Swift is also pretty silly and funny. She brings lighthearted humor that just further solidifies how awesome she really is. Something is wrong with you if you don't even crack a smile or laugh out loud to some of her jokes or her silly moments. From a fashion standpoint, I've always looked at Taylor as a girl who'll wear a lovely dress along with a cute pair of boots (usually cowboy boots). I think if she decides to get away from music to pursue becoming an entertainer or actress, she has an amazing future ahead of her in those departments.
For more more Taylor Swift, visit Taylor Swift's official website or check out Taylor's Myspace page.
--- Kristine Mirelle ---

^ from: - Kristine Mirelle from New Mexico has a style of piano and singing as the likes of Alicia Keys.
Hailing from The Land of Enchantment (New Mexico), Kristine Mirelle is a lovely artist who sings a variety of songs. A sweet voice and sexy style are complimented with lovely piano instruments and awesome beats.
--- Tey Punsalan ---

^ from: - The deliciously sexy Tey Punsalan.
A silky and sexy voice is supplemented by one Tey Punsalan. The Filipina can sing beautifully and with silky songs either in English or tagalog. She'll blow you away with her amazing singing.
--- Xiomara Medina ---

^ from: - Xiomara Medina.
Xiomara Medina is a pop singer who sings beautifully as electronica-type beats fill the air. Check out her music to enjoy the lovely music she sings.
--- Allison ---
This young singer is reminiscent of Charlotte Church when Charlotte used to do soprano music. She sings a combination of classical-type songs and even some Hawaiian music. Her singing will blow your away.Want more Allison? Feel free to check out Allison's music or visit Allison's YouTube channel.
--- Arielle ---
Think Arielle is a beautiful name? Wait until you hear her sing. The Arizona singer has a style and voice a bit like Taylor Swift. A number of her songs are like rock fused with pop. Her music is quite enjoyable. Go ahead... have a listen to her music by going to her Myspace page!(ADDED: March 28, 2012) I also blogged about her once: "Arielle Lee" - John's Blog Space
--- The FABS ---

^ from: - The FABS. The lady in the front is Fabiola Gatti from Uruguay.
The FABS are a beach pop group based in the United Kingdom. The FABS requested me as a friend on Myspace a long time ago. The lead singer is the very cute Fabiola Gatti from Uruguay. With weather warming up (as of 3/21/2010), why not get to enjoy the beach culture with a lovely group like The FABS?
--- Francesca Maria ---

^ from: - Italian-born Francesca Maria, a beautiful pop singer.
Francesca Maria is as beautiful a singer as she is a dancer. Born in Italy, this Italian diva is sexy in her moves as she is with her music. Let this beautiful lady show some awesome moves and sing some awesome music. Visit the link above to visit her Myspace profile, or check out Francesca Marie's YouTube channel!
--- Sheena Melwani ---
My Blog Entry on Her: Sheena Melwani
^ from: - Sheena Melwani. Isn't she pretty? :)
Sheena Melwani is a beautiful young Boston-area artist with a divine voice. Let her beautiful singing captivate your heart. Visit these links for more information:
• Sheena Melwani's Official Page
• Sheena Melwani on Myspace
• Sheena Melwani's Facebook fan page
• Sheena Melwani on YouTube
• SheenaTV Live!
Please remember that this page may be updated in the future with more content. More will be featured in the future.
Thank you for reading!
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